Assalamualakum warohmatullahi wabarakatuh :)

Hello everybody my name is hasrani Iam student of Makassar tourism polytechnic,tour and travel business study program.
Welcome to my blog and today I wanna share my experience again during the NATURE FIELD TRIP In toraja regency.

On Monday, October 21st,the UPW B students do a fieldtrip to Toraja in the context of nature fieldtrip during 3D / 2N and this trip was accompanied by a tour leader, Kak Miftahul Jannah and Kak Yusuf and also we were accompanied by three lecturers or advisors, Mr. Matius, Mr. Yahya, and Ms. Mila.

Alright guys, this tour is the second time I visited Toraja but different with this tour because in this tour the first experience I did tracking that was quite difficult, I'm also sad because this is our last tour in the third semester before leaving on the job trening.
The first day
We gathered at the beloved campus of Poltekpar Makassar and our trip was handled by PT. MITRA SELARAS, from Makassar to Toraja is takes about 8 hours and our trip was longer because we stopped at Kupa Beach restaurant for lunch at Kupa Beach restaurant. We could enjoy with sea view behind the restaurant and also from kupa beach restaurant we can see from a distance view of the dutungan island,in kupa beach restaurant we take a picture together.

after enjoying lunch we continue the trip for about 2 hours we arrived at the resting house at bambapuang mount for coffe break while enjoying the view of Mount bambapuang after resting for a while we continued our trip to toraja from bambapuang about 2 more hours we arrived at tana toraja but before we stopped at the border between enrekang with toraja to take a picture together. 
and we arrived at the hotel indra rante pao northtoraja at 7 pm, after resting and getting ready we went to ayam penyet ria restaurant for dinner which is located not far from the hotel After dinner, we will return to the hotel and rest.
The second day
On the second day we will do tracking starting from timenbayo we will track for about two hours with quite difficult paths because we have to climb.

here I think soft tracking but it turns out it can be said adventure because the terrain we are going through is quite high and dangerous because a lot of big rocks and slippery and I almost gave up but seeing a beautiful view overcame our fatigue, we walked for about two hours to my mentirotiku restaurant which was located at the peak.

After arriving at our restaurant we rested for a while and after our resting lunch with a traditional toraja food dish called pa'piong (papiong is a food whose basic ingredients are meat mixed with toraja's special spices such as toraja's special chili which is Lombok katokong and mixed with easy banana stems or in toraja language is burak).

after lunch we continue our trip to the starting point at lempo uses the bus and we start tracking from lempo to bori.

 about three hours on the way we learned a lot and got new things the first time we got it like I first saw tedong bonga 'or a typical buffalo toraja is fauna came from toraja which cost hundreds of millions of rupiahs even though our tracking trip is fairly far but we are not tired Because we while telling stories and looking at the activities of the local toraja community, which is making a tongkonan house and also I see the community working together to cut pigs for the needs of a rambu solo ceremony, and the last destination we visited on the second day was enrong Lombok parinding which is a kind of tombs and many coffins there and the place is still unfulfilled and natural.

after 4 hours have passed we tracked us to Bori before we went to todi we rested for a moment and continued the trip to todi about 50 minutes we arrived at todi (todi is a typical souvenir shop toraja and silk weaving center) there we go After that, we returned to the hotel, after resting we got ready and headed to the Aras café and restaurant  for dinner , we really enjoyed it because the food was delicious and also the place was nice and instagramable, one by one my friend went up to the stage and was sing and we singing together because it's the last night in toraja.

The third day
The third day was our last day in Toraja after breakfast and check out. We prepared to continue the trip before we left Toraja. We stopped by the very famous Toraja coffee shop where we tasted toraja coffee, Arabica and Robusta types, and Inot forgot to buy Robusta type coffee for my family, after listening  the explanation from the shop owner.

 we continued the trip,after a few trips and reached in Enrekang regency, we stopped at one of the souvenirs shop in Enrekang regency, after that we arrived at the resting house at Bambapuang mount for coffee break, after our break we continue the trip, about 5 hours drive passed we arrived at the city of Pare Pare and we stopped at the teras empang restaurant for lunch after eating and praying dhuhur we continued the trip and arrived at Barru regency and we stopped at one of  villages of the Bugis tribe in barru regency there we see The activity of  fishermen.

 after listening to some explanations from my friend who guided us than back to the bus and continued the trip, throughout the trip we really enjoyed and have fun on the bus because remembering this was our last tour in the third semester and before we arrived in Makassar we stopped  at the suka suka restaurant in the maros regency and after dinner we continued our trip for about an hour we arrived at the Makassar tourism polytechnic campus.

well guys I Think that's All my experience, thank you for you have visit my blog and I hope you can get knowladge and information from my experience and don’t forget to comment my blog, You can submit criticisms and suggestions in the comments column,see u in the next blog bye bye…

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Marine Field Trip Report In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach
Bonjour mesami
Je ma’ppele hasrani
Je suis etudiant a Makassar polytechnique tourisme
Je vais reconter mon experience en faisant le tour marin.
Hello everybody,my name is hasrani I’am student of tour and travel study program in Makassar tourism polytechnic,and this is my first blog and in this blog  I Want to tell you all about my experience when I conducted MARINE TOUR in dutungan island and paputo beach,which is my first experience to try diving and snorkeling,so you should read until end yeay J
        Fieldtrip is a routine  semester activity carried out by every student majoring in travel and right on Friday 5-6 October students of TOUR & TRAVEL STUDY PROGRAM The third semesters (UPW 3B) conducting marine fieldtrip activities in BARRU REGENCY and PARE PARE CITY and we visited two marine tourism destinations that is on the DUTUNGAN ISLAND and PAPUTO BEACH, in this fieldtrip we were accompanied by beloved advisors Mrs. Atriana Djabbar and Mrs. Margaretha and also tour leaders  Mrs.Sardika and Mr.Didit.

The first day
We departed from the beloved campus of Makassar tourism polytechnic and we used the bus and this time our trip was handled by PT. MITRA SELARAS, during the trip we guiding one by one.

the first destination we visited was the dutungan island of our trip from Makassar to the Tanjung indah dock about three to four hours, from Tanjung indah dock we have to take a boat ride to the dutungan island about 10 minutes away by boat, this time fieldtrip we were very excited and enthusiastic because most of this was the first experience to try water sports that are diving and snorkeling.

Arriving at the dutungan island we were directed to change clothes for diving and snorkeling after that we gathered and listened to the directions and and explanations from the instructor about the steps and procedures for diving and snorkeling after that we had lunch while enjoying the beauty of the dutungan island and continued with the dhuhur prayer.

After that we started to do diving and snorkeling because this was the first time I was very enthusiastic to see the beauty of underwater of dutungan island  and first we were called one by one to try diving and snorkeling and when my name was called honestly there was a little feeling of afraid because remembering this was the first moreover, I don't know how to swim. Thankfully, we were to use a lifejacket, after my name was called, I immediately tried snorkeling equipment, namely lifejacket and the other equipment, after that I got ready and there were several instructors who would accompany us when we were in the water, and I jumped into water and start trying to snorkel, I was very amazed when I saw the coral reefs in the sea and I also saw small fish after trying to snorkel I immediately went in line to try diving when I saw friends who had come down and looked at the bottom of the sea I also very excited, when I wear diving equipment that is a ballast and frog shoes and here I have new knowledge that if we use frog shoes we have to walk backward so that we don't fall because the frog shoes are very long going forward.

After I used the complete diving equipment I immediately waited in line for the instructor, after there was an instructor that was empty I was directed to use an oxygen cylinder and it was very heavy plus the weight used in the waist that weighed approximately 4 kilograms and after the breathing apparatus had been installed and inserted in the mouth and before going down we are asked some codes that are used under water for example if our feeling is good we give a thumbs up and if there is a problem for example in breathing we have to press the nose, after that I immediately jump into the sea and the funny thing is I'm looking for the instructor to hold on and slowly the instructor directed me not to panic and I tried to control my emotions so that I didn't panic and slowly tried to dive and finally I could dive even though I was being frightened, what was important in my mind was that I could see what's under water although I did not get to the bottom and the most important thing was that I could feel how it felt to dive using an oxygen cylinder, after a few minutes under my water I gave the instructor the code to be directed up to the surface.

After diving and snorkeling we all changed our clothes and got together and took pictures together after taking some pictures we played games from our advisors, namely Mam eta and Mam Atri while waiting for the boat to pick up us, we played games until we got a winner, and for those who win were I went on a boat first and coincidentally in the game my group lost and finally I got on the second boat, after 10 minutes of the journey we finally arrived at the tanjung indah dock we were directed directly get on the bus and then we headed to HOTEL DELIMA SARI in the city of Pare Pare. From tanjung indah dock is about one  hour on the way we really enjoyed the beauty of the city of pare pare after we arrived at our hotel directly checked in and divided the room list after that went straight to their rooms and rested for a while while preparing for dinner.

In the evening we had dinner at the ayam penyet ria  restaurant which was located not far from the hotel we were staying in, and the food that was served was also very good after the dinner continued with the evening activities namely the presentation and evaluation of activities carried out on the dutugan island and about simulating security, health and safety After that, the work continued with entertaint in the activities of each group showing an entertainment here. We were all entertained by the performance of friends who were funny and after the entertaint was finished we immediately returned to the room to rest.

The second day

 On the second day we woke up and the first activity carried out in the morning was morning exercise while relaxing the muscles in front of the hotel and continued with a leisurely walk on the road around the hotel while walking we also visited the monument of one of the famous figures in Indonesia, the monument of true love bj .habibie and Ainun who are well-known figures in this case the third president of the Republic of Indonesia.

       after taking pictures on the monument we were directed to return to the hotel, then we had breakfast and the breakfast menu at the hotel was also delicious after our breakfast was directed to packing and check out at the hotel and leaving the hotel.

        and then we visited the second destination, the Paputo beach.from the hotel to the Paputo beach was approximately 30 minutes after we arrived at PAPUTO beach. We heard our friend guiding. After that, we made observations around PAPUTO after our observation.

       we also at serve food while sitting relaxing in the gazebo here we really enjoyed being together there were some of our friends who contributed songs while dancing because by chance on paputo beach there was livemusic and before we left the paputo advisor we ordered to dance maumere and we danced cheerfully we were dilated by us other visitors laughing at our madness, after that we took photos together in paputo and were directed to get on the bus and leave paputo beach and on our way to rest while enjoying the trip and the next place we visited was the teras empang café and restaurant for lunch, this restaurant offers a beautiful view and there is a view of the hill from a distance and at a glance the restaurant is in the form of a boat built on the pond and the food served is also delicious coupled with refreshing ice tea because of the heat of the sun that makes us thirsty, and after lunch we take pictures together with a background of views in front of a very beautiful restaurant.

after that we were directed to get at the bus and leaving the restaurant which is the last place we visited on this fieldtrip and finally we returned to the Poltekpar Makassar campus.

       well guys , I Think that's All my experience in marine fieldtrip, thank you for you have visit my blog and I hope you can get knowladge and information from my experience. 
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