Assalamualakum warohmatullahi
wabarakatuh :)
Hello everybody my name is hasrani Iam
student of Makassar tourism polytechnic,tour and travel business study program.
Welcome to my blog and today I wanna share
my experience again during the NATURE FIELD TRIP In toraja regency.
On Monday, October 21st,the UPW B
students do a fieldtrip to Toraja in the context of nature fieldtrip during 3D
/ 2N and this trip was accompanied by a tour leader, Kak Miftahul Jannah and
Kak Yusuf and also we were accompanied by three lecturers or advisors, Mr.
Matius, Mr. Yahya, and Ms. Mila.
Alright guys, this tour is the second
time I visited Toraja but different with this tour because in this tour the
first experience I did tracking that was quite difficult, I'm also sad because
this is our last tour in the third semester before leaving on the job trening.
The first day
We gathered at the beloved campus of
Poltekpar Makassar and our trip was handled by PT. MITRA SELARAS, from Makassar
to Toraja is takes about 8 hours and our trip was longer because we stopped at
Kupa Beach restaurant for lunch at Kupa Beach restaurant. We could enjoy with
sea view behind the restaurant and also from kupa beach restaurant we can see
from a distance view of the dutungan island,in kupa beach restaurant we take a
picture together.
after enjoying lunch we continue the
trip for about 2 hours we arrived at the resting house at bambapuang mount for
coffe break while enjoying the view of Mount bambapuang after resting for a
while we continued our trip to toraja from bambapuang about 2 more hours we
arrived at tana toraja but before we stopped at the border between enrekang
with toraja to take a picture together.
and we arrived at the hotel indra rante
pao northtoraja at 7 pm, after resting and getting ready we went to ayam penyet
ria restaurant for dinner which is located not far from the hotel After dinner,
we will return to the hotel and rest.
The second day
On the second day we will do tracking starting from timenbayo we will
track for about two hours with quite difficult paths because we have to climb.
here I think soft tracking but it turns
out it can be said adventure because the terrain we are going through is quite
high and dangerous because a lot of big rocks and slippery and I almost gave up
but seeing a beautiful view overcame our fatigue, we walked for about two hours
to my mentirotiku restaurant which was located at the peak.
After arriving at our restaurant we
rested for a while and after our resting lunch with a traditional toraja food
dish called pa'piong (papiong is a food whose basic ingredients are meat mixed
with toraja's special spices such as toraja's special chili which is Lombok
katokong and mixed with easy banana stems or in toraja language is burak).
after lunch we continue our trip to the
starting point at lempo uses the bus and we start tracking from lempo to bori.
about three hours on the way we learned a lot and got new things the first time
we got it like I first saw tedong bonga 'or a typical buffalo toraja is fauna
came from toraja which cost hundreds of millions of rupiahs even though our
tracking trip is fairly far but we are not tired Because we while telling
stories and looking at the activities of the local toraja community, which is
making a tongkonan house and also I see the community working together to cut
pigs for the needs of a rambu solo ceremony, and the last destination we
visited on the second day was enrong Lombok parinding which is a kind of tombs
and many coffins there and the place is still unfulfilled and natural.
after 4 hours have passed we tracked us
to Bori before we went to todi we rested for a moment and continued the trip to
todi about 50 minutes we arrived at todi (todi is a typical souvenir shop
toraja and silk weaving center) there we go After that, we returned to the
hotel, after resting we got ready and headed to the Aras café and
restaurant for dinner , we really enjoyed
it because the food was delicious and also the place was nice and
instagramable, one by one my friend went up to the stage and was sing and we
singing together because it's the last night in toraja.
The third day
The third day was our last day in
Toraja after breakfast and check out. We prepared to continue the trip before
we left Toraja. We stopped by the very famous Toraja coffee shop where we
tasted toraja coffee, Arabica and Robusta types, and Inot forgot to buy Robusta
type coffee for my family, after listening
the explanation from the shop owner.
we continued the trip,after a few trips and
reached in Enrekang regency, we stopped at one of the souvenirs shop in
Enrekang regency, after that we arrived at the resting house at Bambapuang
mount for coffee break, after our break we continue the trip, about 5 hours
drive passed we arrived at the city of Pare Pare and we stopped at the teras
empang restaurant for lunch after eating and praying dhuhur we continued the
trip and arrived at Barru regency and we stopped at one of villages of the Bugis tribe in barru regency
there we see The activity of fishermen.
after listening to some explanations from my friend who guided us than back to
the bus and continued the trip, throughout the trip we really enjoyed and have
fun on the bus because remembering this was our last tour in the third semester
and before we arrived in Makassar we stopped
at the suka suka restaurant in the maros regency and after dinner we
continued our trip for about an hour we arrived at the Makassar tourism
polytechnic campus.
well guys I Think that's All my experience,
thank you for you have visit my blog and I hope you can get knowladge and
information from my experience and don’t forget to comment my blog,
You can submit criticisms
and suggestions in the comments column,see u in the next blog bye bye…